mandag 17. mars 2014

Finding the right motivation to start Life 2.0

I've never been the "I'll just have a green salad, please" kind of girl. I love being active and that gives me a great appetite as well. No shame in that. Why do girls think it's not feminine to eat?! From my earlier days of playing basketball at a national level and working out 4-5 days a week, I know how important my intake of food is. I just didn't know how important the type of food was. I knew about fat, carbohydrates and protein. Carbs gives you energy, protein builds muscles and fat was just bad for you! Right?

Even with all this knowledge (?) I never felt I was doing it right. And there was so much confusing information out there. Butter is bad, whole grains are good, red meat is bad, chicken is good, eat often, eat breakfast, make smoothies. I'd tried it all, but I was still low on energy, having mood swings, craving bad food, getting all the colds and bugs around, and my pants were getting tighter!

By reading all the blogs and posts about Paleo, it hit me. These guys were not talking about the weight they lost or how great they look (and they did look great!), but it was all about how they felt. Higher energy, no more hangry (hungry and angry), better concentration and focus, clean skin and improved immune system. I knew I had to try this!

So I started to investigate and educate myself on the effect different foods have on our bodies. I learned a lot about the history of grains and what that has done to our health since the Agricultural revolution. It all started to make sense to me and my motivation to make these changes increased.

I had all the knowledge I needed, now it was just a matter of changing out habits. I had to admit I was a little bit nervous about this. Theory and action, not being the same....  But I've always been a believer in that "knowledge is power". If you have the knowledge, then you have a responsibility to use that knowledge. But knowledge is not power without Action. I could no longer ignore the fact that the food we were eating was doing us more harm then good, and I owed it to my kids to take action and educate all of us on better eating habits.

Eating crocodile is a good habit!

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